Det inviteres nå til å gi bud til simultanen som skal spilles 11. august 20:00 norsk tid, rett etter at Magnus kommer hjem fra Tromsø. Anand fikk inn rundt 50 000 kroner da han spilte simultan mot 15 motstandere på ICC til inntekt for barn med celebral parese i 2007. Nå skal Magnus spille simultan mot 30 motstandere til inntekt for en stormester i desperat nød etter nyretransplantasjon.
I ICCs siste nyhetsbrev skrives følgende:
Se også Susan Polgars blogg og Chessdom.Do You Want To Play Magnus Carlsen here on ICC? You may remember last year that World Champion Vishy Anand raised $10,000 on ICC for a charity that was close to his heart? Well, this year rising star Magnus Carlsen has agreed to do a similar fundraising simul at ICC, with 100% of the monies raised going to help a young fellow grandmaster in need of urgent medical treatment.
Serbian GM Dusan Popovic tragically took ill earlier this year and diagnosed with chronic kidney failure and now is in urgent need of a transplant. You can read more about Dusan's plight here at http://www.chessdom.com/dusan-popovic
Magnus Carlsen has magnanimously agreed to give of his time by hosting a 30-board simul here on ICC on August 11, starting at 14:00pm ET, to help a fellow player in need. Details will be coming soon on how you can bid on eBay to play in the simul, and also how you can play here in a qualifier on ICC for a few chekels to win a spot in the simul. You will also be able to donate a small sum to help the cause. For those playing in the simul, we will have lots of special "thank you" chess prizes. Watch this space - and please give generously!
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